Websites Dataset (Traffic and Engagement)
The Websites dataset offers a comprehensive analysis of website traffic and user engagement. It encompasses various metrics that provide insights into how visitors interact with websites, both on desktop and mobile platforms. This dataset is crucial for understanding website performance, audience behavior, and digital marketing effectiveness.
Traffic and Engagement are the fundamental data points of Similarweb - allowing our customers to have the digital measures of the world at the palm of their hands.
The Dataset is utilizing multiple tables.
When generating a report, make sure all metrics are supported by same granularity as the requested report.
Data credits are Similarweb's currency. Each result (cell) in a report costs one data credit.
As pricing may vary from report to report you can estimate the total credit amount for each report generated by our Request-Validate endpoint.
*Note - if there are no results, no credits are charged.
Batch API and REST API have different Keys
Make sure you're using the correct API Key with the query
For more information about website datasets, click here
Traffic & Engagement Table:
vtable: "traffic_and_engagement"
Table URL:
Primary Keys: domains, countries
Metric Name | Description | Supported Granularity | Type |
all_traffic_visits, desktop_visits, mobile_visits | Returns estimated number of visits for the domain. | Monthly, Weekly, Daily | Double |
all_page_views, desktop_page_views, mobile_page_views | Returns the total number of pageviews for the selected domain. | Daily | Double |
all_traffic_pages_per_visit, desktop_pages_per_visit, mobile_pages_per_visit | Returns the average page views per visit for the given domain. | Monthly, Weekly, Daily | Double |
all_traffic_average_visit_duration, desktop_average_visit_duration, mobile_average_visit_duration | Returns the average visit duration on the given domain (in seconds). | Monthly, Weekly, Daily | Double |
all_traffic_bounce_rate, desktop_bounce_rate, mobile_bounce_rate | Returns the bounce rate for the given domain. | Monthly, Weekly, Daily | Double |
deduplicated_audience | Returns the average number of individuals who visited across desktop and mobile. | Monthly | Double |
desktop_unique_visitors, mobile_unique_visitors | Returns unique desktop/mobile visitors. | Monthly, Daily | Double |
desktop_share mobile_share | Returns the desktop/mobile web traffic share split. | Monthly | Double |
desktop_ppc_spend_usd, mobile_ppc_spend_usd | Returns an estimation of the domain spending on PPC search terms on desktop/mobile. | Monthly | Double |
desktop_new_visitors | Returns the count of unique users who have visited the site from a desktop device and have not been recorded on the site in the last three months. | Monthly | Double |
desktop_returning_visitors | Returns the count of unique users who revisit the site from a desktop device within a three month period. | Monthly | Double |
global_rank | Returns SimilarWeb's monthly Global Rank for a given domain. | Monthly | Integer |
country_rank | Returns SimilarWeb's monthly Country Rank for a given domain. | Monthly | Integer |
category_rank_new | Returns the Global Rank within its given category. | Monthly | Integer |
category | Returns the top category associated with the domain. | Monthly | String |
Marketing Channels:
Returns the overview of traffic sources driving traffic to the domain broken down by source type and traffic share.
vtable: "marketing_channels"
Table URL:
Traffic channels available: organic_search, direct, paid_search, referrals, display_ads, social, mail, search
Primary Keys: domains, countries, channels
Metric Name | Description | Supported Granularity | Type |
desktop_marketing_channels_visits, mobile_marketing_channels_visits | Returns the overview of traffic sources by visits for desktop/mobile sources. | Monthly or Daily | Double |
desktop_marketing_channels_share, mobile_marketing_channels_share | Returns the overview of traffic sources by share for desktop/mobile sources. | Monthly or Daily | Double |
Similar sites:
Table URL:
vtable: "similar_sites"
Primary Keys: domain1, domain2
Metric Name | Description | Supported Granularity | Type |
site_affinity | Returns a similarity grade of two websites (Similar sites). | Monthly | Double |
Website description:
Table URL:
vtable: "website"
Primary Keys: domains
Metric Name | Description | Supported Granularity | Type |
description | Returns The meta description of a website. | Monthly | Array |
online_revenue | Returns the estimated online revenue in USD (e-commerce sites only) | Monthly | Array |
Desktop top geo:
Table URL:
vtable: "desktop_top_geo"
Primary Key: domain
Metric Name | Description | Supported Granularity | Type |
desktop_top_geo | Returns the desktop traffic share broken down by the top 10 countries driving traffic to the website, between the selected dates (min. 1 month). The countries are represented by their two-letter country codes. | Monthly | Array |
Traffic Sources:
Primary Keys: domains, countries
Table URL:
vtable: "traffic_sources"
Traffic sources available: organic_search, direct, paid_search, referrals, display_ads, social, mail, search
Metric Name | Description | Supported Granularity | Type |
desktop_traffic_source_share | Returns the distinct sources driving traffic to websites. For example: youtube, Google UK, facebook, Bing and more. | Monthly | Array |
Updated 6 days ago