What's New in V.4.0?
Learn what's new in Similarweb's latest API, version 4.0.
Similarweb's new REST API, version 4, delivers an enhanced experience with faster performance and advanced filtering capabilities - so you can tailor your requests to pull only the data you need.
Key Highlights
📃 Slice and dice your Similarweb data with pagination capabilities.
Some endpoints can return thousands of results, so we've added pagination capabilities to over 60 endpoints so you can have total control over how much data you receive.
With pagination, you can slice and dice large datasets using these new parameters:
- sets how many results to return.
- defines the number of results to skip.
- selects a specific metric to order results by.
- orders the results by ascending or descending.
For endpoints with pagination capabilities, look out for the 'v4' in URL paths.
Updated 7 months ago