DigitalRank API
Gain access to our free global website ranking data for your website and your competitor's websites using Similarweb's Digital Rank API.
It can be challenging to get visibility into how websites are performing and see how your website ranks among the competition and industry. The Website DigitalRank API provides you with access to global website ranking data at no cost so you can:
- Benchmark your site against your competitors
- Identify new growth opportunities and potential partnerships
- Prove the success of your website
Similarweb derives digital rank and traffic data from over 10 billion daily digital signals that we've developed over 10 years. This vast network of signals provides the scale and accuracy that make Similarweb the leader in digital intelligence.
Based on simple REST principles, DigitalRank API uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.
With the Similarweb DigitalRank API, there are three API calls available:
Top SimilarRank Sites: uncover the top-ranking websites globally.
Website SimilarRank: Understand a specific websites' global rank.
Get Subscription Status: Validate how many monthly data points remain in your SimilarRank account, out of a limit of 100.
For more data or capabilities, reach out to a sales representative.
Available for demo users
If you're a paying Similarweb API user, use this premium endpoint.
Get started with Website DigitalRank API
To get started, you'll need to create a free Similarweb account and generate a personalized API key. Follow the 5 steps below:
Create your free Similarweb account.
Click the Settings icon and select account.
From the API page, click Generate A New API Key.
Insert a name for your key e.g. “MySimilarwebAPIKey”, and click Create. Your API key will appear in the Generated Keys table.
Use the documentation below to start extracting global ranking data.
Note: By using the Similarweb API, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy, as well as the guidelines for external use below.
Top SimilarRank Sites
Call this endpoint to uncover the top-ranking websites globally:
URL Input:{similarweb_api_key}&limit={50}
Query Parameters:
: Enter your personalized API key (remove brackets)
: Enter the number of desired results, default is 10 (remove brackets)
Example response:
Each result will be charged 1 data point. In the example response, the limit is set to 3 - meaning 3 data points would be charged.
Max results = 100
Data is based on the previous month's traffic and engagement data, and includes desktop and mobile devices.
The header of the response contains the number of data points consumed in the query (see 'sw-datapoint-charged')
Website SimilarRank
This endpoint returns the global rank of a specific website.
URL Input:{}/rank?api_key={similarweb_api_key}
Query Parameters:
: Enter the domain (remove brackets)
: Enter your personalized API key (remove brackets)
Example response:
Each result will be charged 1 data point.
Data is based on the previous month's traffic and engagement data, and includes desktop and mobile devices.
The header of the response contains the number of data points consumed in the query (see 'sw-datapoint-charged').
Get Subscription Status
Validate how many monthly data credits remain in your SimilarRank account, out of a limit of 100.
URL Input:{similarweb_api_key}
Query Parameters:
: Enter your personalized API key (remove brackets)
Example Response:
This endpoint does not cost data points.
- Monthly data points are refreshed on the 1st of every month.
FAQs and Error Codes
Q: How does Similarweb calculate DigitalRank API data point consumption?
A: One domain ranking result is considered one data point.
Q: How many API data points will I receive?
A: At the start of each month, your key will be refreshed with 100 data points. Unused data points will not roll over to the following month. You can see how many monthly data points you have remaining by querying the 'Get Subscription Status' endpoint (see documentation above).
Q: I have no remaining API data points. How do I get more added?
A: Users of DigitalRank API are limited to 100 data points per month. If you'd like more data or capabilities, please reach out to a sales representative.
Q: If I have an existing API key from a premium Similarweb account, can I use DigitalRank API endpoints?
A: Yes. DigitalRank API endpoints will be accessible via your existing Similarweb API key. Note that your monthly premium API hits will be charged.
Q: Where can I learn more about Similarweb's data methodology?
A: You can read more about our methodology here.
Q: How is global rank calculated?
A: Similarweb's proprietary global rank calculation is based on a website's unique visitors and page views. Visit our Glossary to learn more.
Q: How often does Global ranking data get refreshed?
A: Global ranking data is refreshed monthly. Data is released by the 10th day of the following month (in most cases, it is released sooner). Once updated, it stays fixed for the duration of the month.
Q: What is the time frame of ranking data available with the Digital Rank API?
A: Ranking data is available for the previous month only.
Q: I made a mistake. Can I have data points refunded?
A: Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to refund data points. Your API key will be allocated 100 new data points at the start of each month.
Error Codes
Here are the various HTML responses you may receive when using DigitalRank API.
Code | Description | Notes |
403 | The limit of monthly data points has been reached. | Contact a Similarweb representative to discuss our premium plans. |
401 | This is a premium Similarweb endpoint. | Please get in touch with a Similarweb representative to learn more. |
400 | Limit out of range. | The field limit must be between 1 and 100. |
404 | Data not found. | This site may not yet have a global rank. |
429 | Too many requests made in a short period of time. | This can happen if you make more than 10 requests per second. |
Guidelines for External Use of Similarweb Data
You can extract data using the DigitalRank API and use the data internally and/or make such data available on your platform product. If you display the data on your platform, you (and anyone using the data and/or operating your platform) must comply with the following terms:
You may display only metrics available in the Similarweb DigitalRank API endpoint.
If requested by Similarweb, Similarweb shall be granted a no-cost, full-access license to access your platform for purposes of monitoring compliance with these guidelines.
For each instance of use of the data on your platform, you must include prominent attribution and branding for Similarweb, including, at a minimum, Similarweb's name and logo, the words "DigitalRank by Similarweb" and a link to, clearly and prominently displayed on each page using the data, all in accordance with Similarweb's branding guidelines, available here
You shall not use the data to engage in competition with Similarweb.
You must ensure that any portions of your platform displaying data are not carved out of any confidentiality terms, terms of use, or other restrictions or requirements applicable to the use of the platform.
You may not make any Similarweb data or Similarweb API endpoints, including without limitation the data available through the DigitalRank API, available through any API offering accessible by platform users or any other third party, unless such data has been aggregated with other data such that it cannot be identified as data from Similarweb.
Updated over 1 year ago