Request Validate

Validates a request prior to submission and provides an approximate estimate of the report's cost.


Body Params

report_queryReport query parameters.ReportQuery
delivery_informationDelivery information parameters.DeliveryInformation

ReportQuery Object

tablesList of tables to query.List[TableQuery]

TableQuery Object

vtableMandatory. Select the table you would like to query from.String
granularityMandatory. Select the data granularity. Can be 'daily', 'weekly' or 'monthly'.String
filtersA list of filters applied to the table.QueryFilter
metricsA list of metrics representing the columns in your report.List[String]
start_dateSpecifies the start date. Use the format YYYY-MM for monthly granularity, and YYYY-MM-DD for weekly or daily granularity.String
end_dateSpecifies the end date. Use the format YYYY-MM for monthly granularity, and YYYY-MM-DD for weekly or daily granularity.String
latestOptional. When enabled, it overrides the end_date with the last available date.Boolean
all_historyOptional. When enabled, it overrides the end_date with the last available date and the start_date with the first available date.Boolean
window_sizeOptional. Sets the start_date by subtracting the specified window from the end_date. The window can be specified using "d" for days, "m" for months, and "y" for years. For example, "3m" will subtract 3 months from the end_date to determine the start_date.String
pagingSet pagination configuration.PagingConfig

QueryFilter Object



Different filters are available for each table and can be selected accordingly. The applicable filters for a specific table can be found under 'table_filters' in the discovery endpoint for the requested table.

PagingConfig Object

limitOptional. default value varies per "vtable".Integer
offsetOptional. default is 0. Set the offset.Integer
sortOptional. Set the metric you want the report to be sorted upon. by default takes the first metric specified.String
sort_ascOptional. default is False. Decides if to sort ascending or descending.String

DeliveryInformation Object

delivery_methodSet the Delivery Method.Enum[download_link,bucket_access,snowflake]
response_formatMandatory only for "download_link" and "bucket_access" delivery methods. Set the File format of the generated report.Enum[json,csv,parquet,orc]
webhook_urlOptional. Set a webhook url to trigger when the report status is changed.String
delivery_method_paramsOptional. only relevant for delivery methods - "snowflake" and "bucket_access". Set delivery method configurations.DeliveryMethodPropsRequest

DeliveryMethodPropsRequest Object

integration_nameOptional. Only relevant in case of multiple set integrations.String
table_nameOptional. if set pushes the data into a specific table.String
retention_daysOptional. Specifies how long data is retained, with a default of 30 days. Can be set to 1, 30, 60, 180, or 365 days.Integer
num_of_filesOptional. Relevant only for delivery_method "bucket_access". Sets the number of generated files. must be greater then zero.String
write_modeOptional. Accepted value: 'overwrite' - used when working with an S3 table to replace data for specific dates.String

Traffic & Engagement Table:

vtable: "traffic_and_engagement"

Table URL:

Primary Keys: domains, countries

Metric NameDescriptionSupported GranularityType
all_traffic_visits, desktop_visits, mobile_visitsReturns estimated number of visits for the domain.Monthly, Weekly, DailyDouble
all_page_views, desktop_page_views, mobile_page_viewsReturns the total number of pageviews for the selected domain.DailyDouble
all_traffic_pages_per_visit, desktop_pages_per_visit, mobile_pages_per_visitReturns the average page views per visit for the given domain.Monthly, Weekly, DailyDouble
all_traffic_average_visit_duration, desktop_average_visit_duration, mobile_average_visit_durationReturns the average visit duration on the given domain (in seconds).Monthly, Weekly, DailyDouble
all_traffic_bounce_rate, desktop_bounce_rate, mobile_bounce_rateReturns the bounce rate for the given domain.Monthly, Weekly, DailyDouble
deduplicated_audienceReturns the average number of individuals who visited across desktop and mobile.MonthlyDouble
desktop_unique_visitors, mobile_unique_visitorsReturns unique desktop/mobile visitors.Monthly, DailyDouble
Returns the desktop/mobile web traffic share split.MonthlyDouble
desktop_ppc_spend_usd, mobile_ppc_spend_usdReturns an estimation of the domain spending on PPC search terms on desktop/mobile.MonthlyDouble
desktop_new_visitorsReturns the count of unique users who have visited the site from a desktop device and have not been recorded on the site in the last three months.MonthlyDouble
desktop_returning_visitorsReturns the count of unique users who revisit the site from a desktop device within a three month period.MonthlyDouble
global_rankReturns SimilarWeb's monthly Global Rank for a given domain.MonthlyInteger
country_rankReturns SimilarWeb's monthly Country Rank for a given domain.MonthlyInteger
category_rank_newReturns the Global Rank within its given category.MonthlyInteger
categoryReturns the top category associated with the domain.MonthlyString
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