Get All Snowflake Integration Tables

This endpoint lists all the tables created under a certain Snowflake integration.


The response contains a TablesList response, listing all tables accessible using the given integration. When no integration name is provided - the default integration name is "snowflake_default".

TablesList Object

This object contains all tables the user can access using the given integration.

tables List[IntegrationTable]The tables created within the integration.[



This endpoint is relevant only if the requesting user has a set tables in his Snowflake integration.

IntegrationTable Object

The object contains the information of a table defined within the given integration (usually these tables are created by the user himself).

columns Dict[str, List[str]]The table's columns names.{
"names": [
granularity strThe granularity of the data in the table.
Can be 'daily', 'weekly' or 'monthly'.
metrics Optional List[str]The metrics that their data is included in the table.[
snowflake_physical_name strThe full name of the table as appears on Snowflake. Combines the name of the table given by the user with it's account ID."my_snowflake_table_12345678"
table_name strThe name of the table."my_snowflake_table"
vtable Optional strThe name of the vtable from which the data is extracted."traffic_and_engagement"
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