Conversion Analysis - Desktop

Returns the conversion rates of predefined conversion segments on desktop devices. Includes visits, converted visits, conversion rate, stickiness and confidence. Historical data goes back 37 months, depending on your subscription.

converted visits,
conversion rate,



Hits will be charged per metric requested, e.g - metrics=visits (1 hit), metrics=visits, share (2 hits). Polling this data is limited to 1 concurrent request.

or 5 data credits per row of result.

Monthly data release dates for Conversion Analysis may differ slightly from other endpoints.


How to find your Conversion Segment ID

Use the 'List Conversion Segments' endpoint, and use the JSON result: "response" > "segments" > "segment_id" to retrieve all the conversion segments available to your account.


Premium Endpoint

This endpoint is available to customers with access to the Conversion Analysis feature in their subscription. Reach out to your Account Manager for more information.


How to test the Conversion Analysis Endpoint

In order to test this endpoint, please use the following template in your browser:{{segment-ID}}/conversion-analysis/query?api_key={{API-key}}&start_date=2023-03&end_date=2023-03&country={{country}}&granularity=monthly&metrics=visits%2Cconverted-visits%2Cconversion-rate%2Cstickiness&channel=total&format=json

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!