New S3 Integration

This endpoint creates a new S3 integration, and generates an AWS access and secret keys to be used for reading the data written to this integration's folders.

S3 Table Integration
Open Recipe


The response contains the information of the created integration.

aws_access_key strThe AWS access key to use when reading the data written from one of the integration's tables."AKIA1BABCS1234A1ABCD"
aws_secret_key strThe AWS secret key to use when reading the data from one of the integration's tables."AB1A41AabcA8abABaABCDEfG23Hi2JKlMN34O6pq"
expiration_date strThe date until which the access key and secret key are active (after this date the keys would expire if not renewed)."2024-01-01"
integration_name strThe name of the created integration. (can not be changed)"s3_default"
s3_bucket strThe name of the S3 bucket in which the data will be written."my_bucket"
s3_prefix strThe path in S3 in which the data will be written to."account_id/my_new_integration/"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!